Conversation at the Library


Student: Hi. Excuse me.

Student B: Yes?

Student: Where's the library?

Student B: The library? It's next to the registration office.

Student: Ah ... sorry, I'm new. Where's the registration office?

Student B: No problem. See the big building over there?

Student: Yes.

Student B: OK, so that's the lecture theatre. Next to that, on the right, is the registration office. And next to that is the library.

Student: I see. Thanks!


Student: Hello?

Librarian: Hello.

Student: Is this the library?

Librarian: Yes, it is. Quiet, please.

Student: Oh, sorry. Thank you.

Librarian: Can I help you?

Student: Er, yes, please. I want to borrow some books. What do I need?

Librarian: You need a library card. Here's the application form. You can take up to six books maximum today.

Student: OK. Six books.

Librarian: Yes. You have two weeks to read the books. Then you bring them back.

Student: And if I'm late?

Librarian: Every day you are late there is a fee of fifty pence.

Student: OK, 50p a day. Er, anything else?

Librarian: Mobile phones must be switched off in the library. You can bring your laptop, but please use headphones to watch videos or listen to music.

Student: OK, great.

Librarian: And you can't bring food or drink.

Student: No food, no drink. And ...?

Librarian: And please speak quietly! People are working here.

Student: Oh! Oh, OK. Thank you.

Librarian: You're welcome.



1. Student (pelajar)

2. Excuse (alasan)

3. Library (perpustakaan)

4. Registration office (kantor registrasi)

5. Problem (masalah)

6. See (lihat)

7. Speak (bicara)

8. Right (Kanan)

9. Librarian (pustakawan)

10. Books (buku)

11. Help (Membantu)

12. Read (membaca)

13. Borrow (meminjam)

14. Working (bekerja)

15. Some (beberapa)

16. Application (formulir aplikasi)

17. Watch (menonton)

18. Maximum (maksimum)

19. Switched off(dimatikan)

20. Bring (membawa)


Terjemahan Dialog 

Student: Hi. Excuse me. (Hai. Permisi.)

Student B: Yes? (Ya)

Student: Where's the library? (Dimana perpustakaannya?)

Student B: The library? It's next to the registration office. (Perpustakaannya? Di sebelah kantor pendaftaran.)

Student: Ah ... sorry, I'm new. Where's the registration office? (Ah... maaf, saya baru disini. Dimana kantor pendaftarannya?)

Student B: No problem. See the big building over there? (Tidak masalah. Lihat gedung besar disana?) 

Student: Yes. (Ya)

Student B: OK, so that's the lecture theatre. Next to that, on the right, is the registration office. And next to that is the library. (Oke, jadi itu teater kampus. Di sebelahnya, di sebelah kanan, adalah kantor pendaftaran. Dan di sebelahnya adalah perpustakaan.)

Student: I see. Thanks! (Oh, begitu. Terimakasih!)


Student: Hello? (Halo?)

Librarian: Hello. (Halo)

Student: Is this the library? (Apakah ini perpustakaannya?)

Librarian: Yes, it is. Quiet, please. (Ya. Harap tenang.)

Student: Oh, sorry. Thank you. (Oh, maaf. Terimakasih.)

Librarian: Can I help you? (Ada yang bisa saya bantu?)

Student: Er, yes, please. I want to borrow some books. What do I need? (Er, ya, tolong. Saya ingin meminjam beberapa buku. Apa yang saya butuhkan?)

Librarian: You need a library card. Here's the application form. You can take up to six books maximum today. (Anda membutuhkan kartu perpustakaan. Berikut formulirnya. Anda dapat mengambil maksimal enam buku hari ini.)

Student: OK. Six books. (OK. Enam buku.)

Librarian: Yes. You have two weeks to read the books. Then you bring them back. (Ya. Anda punya waktu dua minggu untuk membaca buku - bukunya. Kemudian Anda segera mengembalikan buku - buku itu kembali.) 

Student: And if I'm late? (Kalau aku terlambat?)

Librarian: Every day you are late there is a fee of fifty pence. (Setiap hari Anda terlambat ada biaya lima puluh pence.)

Student: OK, 50p a day. Er, anything else? (OK. 50p per hari. Er, ada yang lain? 

Librarian: Mobile phones must be switched off in the library. You can bring your laptop, but please use headphones to watch videos or listen to music. (Ponsel harus dimatikan di perpustakaan. Anda dapat membawa laptop Anda, tetapi harap gunakan headphone untuk menonton video atau mendengarkan musik.)

Student: OK, great. (OK, baik.)

Librarian: And you can't bring food or drink. (Dan Anda tidak bisa membawa makanan ataupun minuman.)

Student: No food, no drink. And ...? (Tidak ada makanan, tidak ada minuman. Dan ...?

Librarian: And please speak quietly! People are working here. (Dan tolong bicara dengan pelan! Orang - orang bekerja di sini.)

Student: Oh! Oh, OK. Thank you. (Oh! oh, OK. Terimakasih.)

Librarian: You're welcome. (Sama-sama.)


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