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Conversation Thursday 6th January 2022

Topic : Unforgettable Memories-New Year   - List Of Question : 1. Did you celebrate new year 2022? what did you do in the night of new year 2022? 2. What do you wish in 2022 for your life? 3. What will you do to make your wishes come true?  4. What were the unforgettable happy moments in 2021 for you? 5. What were the unforgettable sad moments in 2021 for you? 6. What was biggest thing you learned this past year of 2021? 7. What was your wish in 2021 that did not come true? why? - My Answer : 1. Yes, i did. I grilled meat with my family 2. I wish i can get a new laptop 3. To get a new laptop, I will study harder and save money 4. I get a pair of air jordan 1 5. My cat died of illness 6. I realize how important it is to study 7. I wish I could take a vacation out of town but I can't because of the pandemic

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